Now as some of you know, here in Canada our Thanksgiving is in October. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be grateful all year round.
That said, this week is Thanksgiving for our friends and neighbors in the USA and that got me thinking. Canada and the USA’s fortunes and history are so intertwined and interconnected. There are lots of things I’m particularly thankful to the US for. So, in good ol’ blogging tradition here are the ten things I’m most grateful to the United State for:
1. Southern Charm
Regular readers of my blog will know I have stated my love for the charm of the South more than once. There are so many reasons why I love it, but I find Southerners such warm people, who have an easy way about them, time to stop and talk and hospitality that’s unrivalled anywhere else. And it seems like I’m not alone. Check out this article on what makes Southerners so special in Southern Living magazine.
2. Billy Graham
I might write a full blog post about Billy Graham sometime. But wow, what an extraordinary man! He’s been the spiritual adviser to every US President since Harry Truman in 1950 and has preached Christianity to live audiences of nearly 215 million people in more than 185 countries and territories. Speaking entirely personally, I’m so thankful to God for Billy Graham – but more of that some other time.
3. Danny Lipford
Funny that this relates to Number 1. Here at Phantom Screens we work with Danny Lipford of Today’s Homeowner fame quite a lot. We advertise on his network and have used him to extol the virtues of retractable screens (you can watch the videos here). The thing I’m so thankful to Danny for is that he takes away the mystery about home improvement. He makes it possible. And he does it with the kindest smile, a down to earth approach, a winning Alabama accent and quite the twinkle in his eyes! Thanks Danny. You’re the best.
4. Chips mean potato chips
Now this is very confusing to my British friends. In Canada (and the UK) the word chips can also mean greasy fries. As in fish and chips. But in the USA it only means proper potato chips. So I am very thankful for that clarity. When I order chips in America I always know what I’m getting.
5. Dordt College
So you’ve probably not heard of Dordt College. It’s my alma mater and it’s now where my daughter is at college. Going to college is such a rite of passage and such an important part of growing up and finding out who you are. It’s an amazing place and I am so thankful it gave me the start to my adulthood that I needed. And I’m equally grateful that my daughter gets to enjoy it too. Even if it is 3,000 miles away from home.
6. Mount Baker
Thankful for a mountain? Yep. It’s beautiful and I get to see it every day from home and from work. It is never the same and yet it’s always there.
7. Steak
OK. From the sublime to the ridiculous. Is there a finer meal in life than a great steak? Nope. And in this case, I am very thankful to the USA for Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. Succulent, delicious and cooked right every single time. Yum.
8. BBQ Pulled Pork
Another food item in the list. Yes – without apology. Whether you’re in Memphis or Kansas City, we have to be thankful for this sticky and delicious export. The smoky sweet goodness of BBQ pulled pork is unmatched. Thank you USA.
9. Vermont
Really? Thankful for an entire state? Yes. It’s a magical place. Sometimes other people can sum it up better than I can.
So here I am going to quote from US President Calvin Coolidge: “Vermont is a state I love … I love Vermont because of her hills and valleys, her scenery and invigorating climate, but most of all because of her indomitable people. They are a race of pioneers who have almost beggared themselves to serve others. If the spirit of liberty should vanish in other parts of the Union, and support of our institutions should languish, it could all be replenished from the generous store held by the people of this brave little state of Vermont.”
10. Napa Valley
From the east to the west. If the Napa Valley didn’t exist someone would have to invent it. Beautiful vineyards, delicious food and oh-so-good wines. OK. I know this post seems to be mostly food-related, but who wouldn’t be thankful to the US for that?
So there’s my 10 things I’m grateful to the USA for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Oh wait – there’s just one more.
11. George Clooney
‘nuff said.