You know, we’ve worked really hard over the last twenty years to become the premium brand in the retractable screen industry. We’ve done this by having an uncompromising commitment to product quality as well as investing in marketing and promotion. That’s because it’s important for us is to tell our story so everyone can truly understand what makes us different.
Anyway, I promised I would have guests to write posts for my blog and this is the first one of them. It’s written by our brand marketing manager Paul Ackah-Sanzah and introduces our new tagline and how it fits in with our brand, products and company.
Our tagline has always been an integral part of our brand, and has developed alongside our brand message throughout the years. And so, looking at our tagline that had been in place for the last five years, we realized that an update was essential to representing our mature character and to resonate with today’s customer.
We know that changing for the sake of change is not a good choice. We had to think of our audiences – our customers, our distributors and business partners – who know and embrace our existing brand image and message.
Our customers have proven to us that their feelings towards our product and our brand are very strong. Our authorized distributors and regional representatives have reported that our customers often talk about loving their experience with our products and our people from beginning to end.
They don’t love our screens just because they keep bugs out.
They don’t say ‘Wow!’ just because they improve airflow.
Customers love our products because it allows them to enjoy their homes, to make the most of their spaces – to truly experience the small moments in their homes and living spaces as a result of our retractable screens. There is a moment; somewhere between when our customers interact with our products to the experience of the benefits afterwards, that highlights the peak of everything that Phantom Screens brand means to them. This is the story we want to tell. This is the feeling we want to emphasize.
Our new tagline and brand message “EXPERIENCE THE MOMENT” captures this. Experiencing the moment means seeing the surprise on the faces of your friends when you press the Executive screen remote and the screens suddenly appear to enclose your patio. That is the moment when our product has the highest impact on our customer, as after that or before that it simply blends in with your home almost like it is not even there – which is exactly what we want!
We don`t just provide retractable screens – we strive to provide all these memorable experiences for the customers who capture the moments of comfort, versatility and elegance in their homes.
Our tagline tells a story – a story of who we are and what we believe in. It helps us communicate to all of our audiences why we do what we do at Phantom Screens. It is also an invitation. We invite you to allow our products to help you truly enjoy your home and outdoor living spaces.
We invite you to experience YOUR moment!