Oh I just love summer. I love the weather, I love the fresh air and most of all I love eating outdoors! I live in the Fraser Valley surrounded by the most abundant supply of fresh berries and produce and I spend the winter yearning to be outside. But most of all, I look forward to firing up the grill to enjoy the unrivalled taste of smoky barbecue goodness!
Anyways, I just thought I’d share with you my five favorite grilling and barbeque websites. They include lots of hints and tips as well as mouthwatering recipes and ideas for the perfect summer party.
1. National Barbecue Association
This is the industry trade body – and although it appears to have more of a trade focus, the website is full of really useful information on barbecue maintenance as well as some delicious recipe ideas.
2. Southern Living Barbecue Party Guide
You didn’t think I’d blog about grilling without mentioning the South did you? Of course not. Here’s a fabulous guide to barbecues from our friends at Southern Living magazine.
3. Kraft summer BBQ recipes
You can get really clever and complex with grilling recipes and summer entertaining. But if you want to keep it simple, you really can’t beat Kraft’s down-to-earth guide to summer. There are some great ideas and even some no-cook recipes here.
4. Food Network Grilling Central
Well, if you ever needed summer party ideas, you’ll find them here. Food Network’s grilling central is like a barbeque encyclopedia of loveliness. Once you start looking I guarantee you’ll be hungry in no time at all!
5. BBQ Junkie Blog
Now here’s a blog with a passion for grilling. Just about everything you need to know about BBQs is found within its posts. And the pictures it includes just make your mouth water…
Oh, and I know I said top five websites, but I just though I would sneak in a little plug for my good friends at Jackson Grills…
6. Jackson Grills
They’re based just around the corner from us here at Phantom Screens and they have some great products and a really informative website. So if you’re thinking about barbecuing take a look at what they have to offer!
What do you love about summer? Do you have a favorite recipe for your grill? I’d love to have your comments!