Do you ever stop to wonder how you can get your favorite food item back on a restaurant’s menu? Or get a radio station to keep playing your favorite tune?
Or in my very particular case, get my all-time favorite perfume back on the shelves? (In case you were wondering its a romantic fragrance call “Filigree” by www.thymes.com) I have searched online. I have scoured Canadian and American cities for stores that carry their product and not one tiny drop is to be found.
Years ago, I even emailed the company, begging them to bring it back, thinking this one lonely Canadian voice might just have impact. But alas to no avail. It makes me very sad. Not the customer experience I hope for. Sigh.
Innovation breeds hope
But thanks to product innovation, I have to keep up hope that something new will be even better or just maybe Thyme will bring it back to life. A girl can hope right?
Product Innovation. I know, I know. Corporate speak, I hear ya. Even I cringe when I hear these two words – it sounds so un-reachable, so out of normalcy yet it’s actually the very opposite.
Us women know this full well. I’m generalizing, I know, but shopping malls aren’t usually filled with men: just sayin’. If you think about it for just a moment there’d be no point to shopping without “product innovation” (stay with me people, you can do it).
Your favorite store would never display latest fashion trends because fashion would never change – imagine! Bell bottoms forever. Banana Republic, American Eagle – none of these brands would exist ‘cuz there’d be nothing new to show off.
Innovation and music
And without innovation, we’d still be listening to the same ol’ songs of the 80’s … hold on a minute, we still are! I digress for a moment, but even our teenaged daughters claim these as some of their favorites – names like Blake Shelton (that one’s for you Rachel), Florida Georgia Line, Taylor Swift – none of these musical artists would have been discovered without innovation.
Yes, I was intentional using all country singers as an example. Why?
On my way to Nashville
Because today we are kicking off our Phantom Screens 22nd Annual Distributor Conference in Nashville, Tennessee – music city! Besides being there at the exact same time as the CMA Country Music Awards (and enjoying great food and cowboy boot shopping), I’m pretty pumped to gather our world-wide Phantom family of distributors in one place to celebrate and share our corporate plans under this year’ theme of “Let’s Think Bigger”.
So my whole point of this blog post – and I know we’ve taken a while to get there – is we are product innovating too! I will be making a few exciting announcements at our conference about this! I feel like a kid the night before Christmas. So in time, dear Phantom customers, we will share our product innovation news with you too!
In the meantime, keep sending us your product wish list!
P.S. Oh my word!!! Best news ever! While re-visiting the Thyme’s website to write this blog, I couldn’t believe my eyes – their website home page read “Filigree” is back! THANK YOU Thymes! #bestdayever