Many companies have a mission statement. It defines what they do. But, as I am often told by employees and suppliers and distributors, Phantom Screens is different. And that difference is something I’m proud of. That’s why we’re replacing our Mission Statement with ‘Our Philosophy’. We view things from a wider perspective than just what we do.
And many companies support charities too. They might do it because they want to, they might do it because they have personal connections to the good cause, or they might do it just because they think they should and they think it looks good. For us, it goes much deeper. For us, supporting charities and being part of a global community is in our company’s – and people’s – DNA.
Although we have a very short mission statement – which has served us for the last few years – we have recently created a Corporate Philosophy which sets out four things: Our Vision, Our Values, Our Purpose and Our Promise. I’ve written about our Vision and Values before – and I intend to write about the rest of Our Philosophy in the coming weeks.
Underlying our corporate values is Our Purpose. It’s why we’re here and it’s why we do what we do. Put simply, Phantom Screens was created to make people’s lives better. This means Phantom Screens exists to make life better for our employees, our distributors, our suppliers and our partners. And it means that we were founded to make life better for homeowners too – as well as for the wider community.
Our purpose is tri-fold: to honor God, to enhance lives and to pay it forward. And it’s the paying it forward element of our purpose which drives our support of World Vision as a corporate charity. Because Phantom Screens is a people-based organization and was founded to make people’s lives better, we believe that includes the wider community, not just locally but globally too. And therefore we support that community both through corporate giving and employee fundraising efforts.
World Vision is an amazing charity and we’re proud to support it. It was started in 1947, by Dr. Bob Pierce. It’s a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice in nearly 100 countries. The charity’s goals align incredibly well with Phantom Screens’ purpose – and that’s why we support it.
Every team at Phantom Screens sponsors a child. And they’re actively engaged with them – writing letters, sending cards and small gifts and helping in a small way to ensure that the child can grow healthy, be educated and an integral part of their communities. It really does make a difference – as you can see from these stories on World Vision’s website. I don’t want to brag, but the people at Phantom Screens are amazing and have raised over $200,000 for our corporate charities.
Because paying it forward is enshrined in our purpose we will always give back and this will always be an essential part of what sets Phantom Screens apart.